FACES 2020-21 Summit Portal
Welcome to the delegate portal of FACES Summit 2020-21!
You will find all the logistics information regarding the summit here. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us through emailing recruitment.faces@gmail.com.
Table of Contents
Program Schedule
Delegate Directory
Speaker Bios
FACES Challenge Groups & Judges
Parallel Forum Groups
Alumni Panel and Mixer
1. Program schedule
2. Delegate Directory
3. speaker bios
4. faces challenge groups & judges
The goal of the FACES Annual Summit Challenge is to provide a forum for delegates to meaningfully engage with their peers on contemporary issues related to U.S.-China affairs. The challenge is designed to promote productive collaboration between diverse perspectives around current issues in bilateral relations. The theme for the 2020-21 FACES Challenge is “U.S.-China fallout and recovery in light of COVID-19.” Read the info packet for more information.
judges bios
5. parallel forum groups
During the summit, each delegate will participate in two Parallel Forum sessions which are discussion sections of around 7 people. There will be one moderator to lead each section. For the first session, delegates will be assigned to groups with individualized topics based on their indicated interests. The second session serves as a place to unpack and discuss the content from speaker events.
6. alumni panel and mixer
The mixer consists of a 10-minute introduction and two 40-minute breakout room discussions. These discussions aim at promoting vibrant conversations between guest alumni and delegates. Our four guest alumni work in fields closely related to U.S.-China affairs, and each will be joining twelve delegates to share their experiences and perspectives. You can find your group assignment here